Auto Accident Pain Relief: The Role of Chiropractic Treatment

Experts often recommend chiropractic care after an auto accident. It helps realign your spine after whiplash or other injuries related to an auto accident. If you have been in an accident recently, you may experience discomfort or pain due to injuries. If this is the case, receiving chiropractic treatment is a perfect solution for you. 


It Helps Reduce Pain

You can reduce pain in your body after an accident by receiving chiropractic treatment. Your body will naturally release hormones that promote pain relief during a spinal manipulation session by your chiropractor. The University of Spain conducted a study to that effect. After chiropractic spinal manipulation, test subjects showed increased cortisol, neurotensin, and oxytocin levels.


It Helps Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a common by-product of any physical injury. Normal levels of inflammation are typical, as they indicate your body is trying to heal itself. But when the inflammation levels are abnormally high, it can be detrimental to your tissues, resulting in discomfort.

Your body may respond to chiropractic adjustments to your spine by reducing its production of inflammatory cytokines. In doing so, the adjustments alleviate pain by lowering your body’s inflammatory response. When you have inflammation in your spine, you may experience pain and stiffness. The pain may intensify after being inactive for a long time.


It Helps Minimize Scar Tissue

After an automobile accident, it is typical to develop scar tissue. Your body forms scar tissue from collagen to heal itself when your tendons or muscles get damaged. However, this tissue may result in long-term stiffness and pain.

Typically, the tissues heal by themselves, eventually returning to their normal function. If you are experiencing discomfort, your chiropractor can use unique techniques to break up the scar tissue. In doing so, it speeds up the healing of the affected area.


It Helps Restore Your Range of Motion

Your back or neck will likely lose flexibility when you sustain injuries from a car accident. Inflammation, scar tissue development, or misalignment of your joints can result in loss of flexibility. Your chiropractor can realign your joint, restoring your range of motion. It is achievable through chiropractic adjustments to the affected area.


It Helps You Recover From Whiplash

The rapid back-and-forth movement of your neck and head can result in whiplash injury. It may rapidly result in other additional health complications as your neck connects to your head and spine. If you were in a car accident, seek car injury care immediately. Such treatment includes chiropractic care such as:

·         Muscle relaxation.

·         Physical manipulations.

·         Muscle stimulation.

You will also receive advice on correctly moving your body to avoid exacerbating the strain. If you suffer injuries in an automobile accident, seek emergency care immediately. Your chiropractor can use numerous techniques and tools to help restore your range of motion and realign your spine.

For more on chiropractic treatment for auto accident injuries, visit Acacia Chiropractic at our Bakersfield, CA office. Call (661) 489-4780 to schedule an appointment today.